Buildings at Risk Register

Appendix 1 contains a summary of the buildings which are Grade I or II* on the statutory lists and further details about what is being done to protect and preserve these buildings.




Current Position

AMBER VALLEY  Belper Weir, Belper  II* CA  Tenanted to hydro-electric company using turbine house; some repair needed to weir walls. Diving inspection required (DCC to instigate). 
AMBER VALLEY  Road footbridge at Bridge Foot, Belper  II* CA  VACANT. Condition Survey/Conservation Plan nearing completion. Repairs to windows carried out. Request submitted for electronic warning sign provision. Bridge and approach re-signed in 1997. 
AMBER VALLEY  Dalley Farm, Ashbourne Road, Belper  II*  PART VACANT.Exemplary model farm of its period. House still occupied. Owners seeking new uses. Possibility of grant aid from English Heritage for structural repairs. 
AMBER VALLEY  North Mill, Belper  I CA  Fully occupied. Attic and basement unused. Reslating of roof now urgent; temporary repairs carried out 1997; brick parapet requires repointing and repairs to lead lined gutters;problems with regular flooding of basement. Conservation Plan near completion 
  Range of outbuildings at Hardwick Hall, Ault Hucknall  II* CA RPG  Dilapidated and VACANT. Subject of current on-going programme for repair/restoration of cottages and outbuildings owned by the National Trust. 
  Barlborough Hall, Barlborough  I CA SMR RPG  Extensive works undertaken to stabilise foundations. Restoration of lantern light complete. 
  Banqueting House at The Hall, Barlborough  II* CA SMR RPG  Long term lack of effective maintenance. Programme in hand as for Hall 
  Four Conduit Houses,   II* SAM CA  All four need to be brought into single ownership. 
DERBY  Allestree Hall, Allestree Park, Allestree, Derby  II*  Essential repair works carried out but future use uncertain. VACANT. 
DERBY  Former Engine Shed, Railway Terrace, Derby  II*  Derby Pride is actively marketing the buildings. VACANT.Disused and in a poor state of repair. 
DERBY  Former Railway Workshop at Derby Railway Works, Derby  II*  Derby Pride marketing the buildings.VACANT.Potential use for Southern Derbyshire Chamber of Commerce. 
DERBY  St Mary's Bridge, Bridge Gate, Derby  II*  General condition - poor. In need of immediate investigation. 
DERBY  St Helen's House, King Street, Derby  Poor condition with risk of further deterioration due to lack of maintenance 
DERBY  Former Carriage Shop at Derby Railway Works, Derby  II*  Poor condition with risk of further deterioration due to lack of maintenance 
DERBYSHIRE DALES  Aqueduct to Cromford Mill, Cromford  I CA SMR WHS  HGV damage to aqueduct 2002. Whole structure demolished and pier support damaged. Parts in store. 
DERBYSHIRE DALES  The Mansion House, Church Street, Ashbourne  I CA  External site visit with English Heritage in May 2003. Air of neglect but no serious structural concerns. 
DERBYSHIRE DALES  Arkwright Mills, Mill Road, Cromford,   I CA SMR WHS  Severe structural problems at north end. Planned for restoration as museum, to original height. Lottery fund application submitted 1998. 
DERBYSHIRE DALES  Saw Mill, Park Lane, Shirley  II*  Still in use for forestry activities by Osmaston Estate 
DERBYSHIRE DALES  Stydd Hall and attached wall Stydd Lane, Yeaveley  II*  Extensive repairs over several years. Still much needs to be done to upper floors. Garden wall bulging. Grounds part of Scheduled Ancient Monument. 
DERBYSHIRE DALES  Longford Hall Farm, Stableblock and Coach house, Longford  II*  Included on 2003 National Buildings at Risk Register. Unoccupied. Air of neglect and lack of maintenance. Structural cracks, saturated brickwork, slipped slates, excessive decay to part of eaves. 
DERBYSHIRE DALES  Granary barn, Longford  II*  Some slipped, missing roof tiles. Minor decay to brickwork. 
DERBYSHIRE DALES  Lowerstreet Farmhouse, Lower Street, Doveridge  II*  Not included on 2003 National Register but considered at Risk. Currently occupied. In need of repair. General lack of maintenance. Decay of timber framing and plaster panels. Brickwork deterioration. 
EREWASH  Bateman Mausoleum at St Matthew's Church, Church Lane, Morley  II* CA  Water causing damage to interior decoration. Minor repairs carried out 1995. Monument and Mausoleums Trust to apply for English Heritage grant for full restoration. 
EREWASH  Bennerley Viaduct, Ilkeston  II*  Basic repairs undertaken. Sustrans planning to use as cycle way in conjunction with a visitor centre 
EREWASH  Old Hall, Moor Road, Breadsall  II*  Planning Permission and listed Building Consent granted for change of use to one dwelling. Works are underway, but building is not yet occupied. 
HIGH PEAK  The Crescent, Buxton  I CA  VACANT.Roof and stonework repaired with 100% English Heritage grant. DCC/HPBC to grant long lease to preferred developer 2003. Stage 2 bid to HLF December 2003. 
HIGH PEAK  Torr Vale Mill, New Mills  II* CA  Poor repair. Under used. Partnership Scheme priority but partial fire damage (July 2001) and difficulties with owner delaying progress with scheme for rescue. Vulnerable to vandalism. FOR SALE. 
NORTH EAST DERBYSHIRE  Cruck Barn at Frith Hall Farm, Brampton  II* SMR  Some agricultural use restored but still deteriorating. MAFF grant approved - repair work has started. 
SOUTH DERBYSHIRE  Elvaston Castle, Elvaston  II* RPG  Partly vacant and under used upper floors. Developers bidding to lease castle and other buildings for new uses, 2003. 
SOUTH DERBYSHIRE  Walton Hall and attached stable range and garden wall, Walton-on-Trent  II* CA  Only occasionally occupied. Top floor unused but under supervision. 
SOUTH DERBYSHIRE  Coalbrookdale Footbridge, Eggington  II*  Derelict. No public access at present. South Derbyshire to pursue Landfill Tax funding.